Our Team

"Joining the Yerkes team during this period of rejuvenation and to work among such passionate and dedicated people in an epicenter for astronomy is like a dream come true. There really is no place in the world like Yerkes, and I'm so excited to be a part of its future!"
Mallory Conlon
Outreach Astronomer
Mallory earned her M.S. in astronomy in 2014 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since then, she has spent her career at the intersection of science and education, working to inspire a curiosity and appreciation for science in people of all ages and support those that want to make the pursuit of science their career. At Yerkes, she is responsible for developing and implementing outreach and education programming, continuing her mission of ensuring astronomy is truly for everyone. For education and outreach programming inquiries, please reach out to her at mconlon@yerkesobservatory.org.
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